Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I don't know....
hari ni hari raya ke berapa ye?
since naik cuti.....I was so busy to even count the day....


sekarang ni masa mengira dateline...

macam-macam date line...

hantar markah KKP student...

menyiapkan dokumen ISO....

hantar kajian tindakan......

dan di pagi hening ini...

menyiapkan draf proposal...

untuk dihantar kepada penyelia thesis umi...

Pagi yang hening ni dah tak bening lagi....

I should be overflow with ideas...but I am not...

in fact....I am dried of ideas.....

or should I say 'ketandusan' ideas......

I think this is the stage that they describe as a sign of 'permanent hair damaged'...

actually ada istilah even worst than that...but I don't want to use it here... its scarry....

yeah...I am surrounded by books and papers.....yet...I can't move on writing...

it just stucked...writing this the best thing I could do..


4Ddict|.46 said...

cube dok rehat2 barang sekejap dua.ajak buyah g holiday. release tension

Ummi said...

terima kasih lah atas keperihatinan anakanda tu....kerja bertambah banyak sekarang ni...

Zakiah said...

When you can't write, you have to talk about it. Then you will notice that you actually know what to do or to write. It doesn't matter if the other person do not understand what you are talking about (ask him to be polite and show that he is interested ... hehe)